Emergency Suite

System for the integrated management of emergency medical and home care services.

Inthegra Emergency Suite is a comprehensive solution that provides operational and administrative support to Emergency Medical and Home Health Care companies.

The system allows the optimization of internal processesfor the provision of an efficient and quality service throughout the entire care process: from the reception of the patient’s request, the registration of the request, the automatic assignment of mobiles, the dispatch through the Mobile APP, to the closing of the service provided.

Save costs and simplify operations

With the automatic dispatch management you can reduce time and resources allocated in the dispatch of ambulances and vehicles.

The system allows you to achieve greater efficiency in your operations and optimize your customer service process.

To provide a more efficient service to the customer.

With the affiliate web portal you will be able to guarantee your customers a more efficient service and provide the convenience of managing their transactions online.

Ensuring safety and compliance

Through the system of monitoring and location of ambulances and vehicles that allows you to have a real-time tracking of cell phones, you can guarantee your customers compliance and maximum safety in the service.


Emergency reception

Reception of customer service orders integrated with call center and mobile app.

Automatic assignment of mobiles

Registration and assignment of ambulance and vehicles with geopositioning.

Ambulance and vehicle dispatch management

Real-time tracking of mobiles and ambulances and historical mobile trajectories with heat maps.

Customer management

Management and disposition of the patient’s medical history and current account status.

Mobile App for customers

Allows the client to request a doctor at home, medication or video call with a doctor.

Mobile App for ambulances and vehicles

It allows ambulances and vehicles to have real-time information on the patient to be assisted and the patient’s location by geolocation.

100% Adaptable System

The system is customized based on the specific needs of your company.

Support and Maintenance

Our team is available to quickly and efficiently resolve any eventuality in the system, helping our customers to grow their business.


Allows companies to outsource logistics and focus their resources on growth, without the need for maintenance and investment in infrastructure.
Accessing information in real time from anywhere.

Intuitive System

The system is agile, dynamic and efficient with a user-friendly interface.

How we can help you

Leave us a message with your inquiry, one of our salesmen will contact you as soon as possible.